From ofMRI to Mechanogenetic Functional Ultrasound
One of our major research goals is to develop novel neuromodulation, neuroimaging, and recording technologies to enable discovery of circuit mechanisms underlying the brain. Many neuroscience studies…

Machine Learning and Brain Computational Modeling
Based on the unique data we obtain from novel neuromodulation, imaging, and recording technologies, we can model brain function computationally. Put another way, we can construct a sort of digital cir…

Circuit Mechanisms underlying Brain Disorders
We combine brain circuit modeling with neuromodulation, imaging, and behavioral experiments in vivo to discover, test, and validate circuit mechanisms underlying brain disorders. In other words, we st…

Novel Circuit-Based Therapeutic Approaches
We combine modeling with neuromodulation, imaging, and behavioral experiments to discover, test, and validate novel circuit based therapeutics. The primary goal of such therapeutics is to normalize b…
Be part of our team!
We are looking for motivated and talented graduate students, post-docs, research scientists, and others to join our group.